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Where are swim lessons held?Brown Girls Swim collaborates with pool's across the city to conduct our Youth Learn to Swim lessons. We have conducted lessons at several swimming facilities across the city including Gentilly, Central City, New Orleans East, and the Lower Garden District. Each season we announce which location(s) we will host our programming. Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 location announcement has not been released. Please be sure to sign up for our newsletter to receive the announcement
What ages are do you teach for swim lessons?At Brown Girls Swim, we have programs for swimmer of all ages! Youth Learn to Swim (Ages 3 -17) Our Youth Learn to Swim program provides swim lessons for swimmers starting as young as 3 years old and max age of 17 years old. Introduction to Competitive Swim (Ages 7-17) For swimmers who are looking to learn about the competitive side of swimming! Mommy/Daddy & Me Swimmers ages 6months to than 2 years old can register for the Mommy/Daddy & Me program. Adult Only Swimmer 18+ can register for our Adult Only Learn to Swim Program.
How long are the your swim lessons?At Brown Girls Swim, all of our swim lessons typically last for 30 minutes with the exception of Intro to Competitive Swim which is an 1hr practice. We believe in providing personalized and effective instruction to swimmers gain confidence and skills in the water.
How much are your swim lessons?At Brown Girls Swim we offer a variety of swim lesson packages to cater to all swim levels and needs. Our group lessons start at $35 per session. We also offer a package for deals for multiple lessons, which can be cost effective for those looking to commit over time to improve their swimming skills. Monthly Lessons $140 for four sessions Intro to Competitive Swim classes are $200 per month We also offer discounts for siblings and multiple household family members enroll in swim lessons. (inquire via email
Can boys enroll in Brown Girls Swim?Yes, boys are welcome to enroll in swim lessons at Brown Girls Swim. While the focus of our organization is on empowering and supporting girls and women in the sport of swimming, we believe that inclusion and diversity are essential in creating a positive and enriching environment for all.
How long will it take to learn to swim?At Brown Girls Swim, the length of time it takes to learn how to swim can vary depending on individual factors such as comfort in the water, physical ability, and prior experience. Our experienced instructors work with each participant to create a personalized learning plan that takes into account their unique needs and goals.
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